
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ontology in Anselm, Descartes and Kant Essay

Ontology is a purported proof that God exists. The ontology provided by St. Anselm in the eleventh century set the standard in Western thought, and on which all subsequent ontology attempted to measure itself. Before the renaissance and the age of reason it was generally agreed that only a fool would deny the existence of God. Accordingly the ontology of St. Anselm employs the attitude of a fool – meaning some one without any of the higher concepts of philosophy – as the crux of the argument. The argument commences with a definition of God: â€Å"Now we believe that [the Lord] is something than which nothing greater can be thought† (81). The association made is to perfection, for only in perfection can we conceive nothing beyond. In traditional attempts at ontology the strategy was to find God amongst the splendor of his creation. Anselm, however, eschewed the evidence of experience and tried to affect a proof from pure thought. It is placed in the head of a simpleton, and in this way is made to appear as stemming from the innate mind, and not clouded by the errors of perceptual understanding. Anselm’s fool wants to cling to the idea that â€Å"God is not!† But such atheism does not strangle the thought processes inside the head. It necessarily searches for perfection, that being the natural inclination of man, which is to seek happiness, comfort, order, and so on. Can the fool imagine perfection, asks Anselm. The answer is that he cannot. For whatever ideal it fixes on, the mind surges past it for something even better. However, this relentless ascendancy within the mind presages the existence of perfection therein, for otherwise the mind chases after nothing. Now, since we have already identified perfection with God, the mind imagines God, and indeed strives towards it. Existence in the mind will not suffice as ontology. Therefore, as the next step in the argument, Anselm attempts to measure the idea with reality. We must next consider whether that which has been imagined as perfect has a corresponding reality beyond the mind. If it does not then we have a contradiction. For being in the mind alone we are then able to imagine something even greater than it. That which was imagined as perfect now turns out have something that is more perfect than it. Anselm is sure that he has found a contradiction here. So he proceeds to conclude:   â€Å"Therefore, there is no doubt that something than which a greater cannot be thought exists both in the understanding and in reality† (82). Descartes, though largely accepting this ontology, doesn’t accept the contradiction derived in the final step. He argues that reality has not been introduced at all, but only an idea if reality. In the final analysis the entire ontology is taking place in the head. It is an imagined God that Anselm proves, says, Descartes, not a real one. His correction, therefore, was to consider the phenomenal world after all. In this manner he laid out what has famously come to be known as â€Å"Cartesian doubt†. The world of sensory experience, when examined philosophically, naturally induces doubt, for all perspectives are subjective. It is impossible to construe an objective form subjective sensory experience. But instead of holding back doubt Descartes allows it full reign. He starts to explore what else can be doubted. Soon it is found that not only material reality, but also all the perceptions and ideas of the mind must also be doubted, for they all stem from the same faculty of understanding. But his doubting reach must come to and end eventually, when he comes to consider consciousness itself. Descartes discovers that he is unable to doubt the â€Å"I†, for it is the â€Å"I† itself that is doubting, i.e. thinking. Thus his famous conclusion, â€Å"Cogito, ergo sum† – I think, therefore I am (68). From the proof of self-existence to the proof of God is a simple step. A self that is subject to doubt is imperfect, and therefore implies the existence of Creator who is perfect. Kant, in turn, comes to dismiss both these attempts at ontology on the simple premise that existence is not a predicate. In other words, it is meaningless to say simply â€Å"God is.† Our concepts of understanding allow us to apply reason in the form of sentences that contain both subject and predicate. So that we can say that ‘God is good’, or that ‘God is merciful’. But simply ‘God is’ is not meaningful, and human understanding does not allow such speculation. In effect, Kant is saying that ontology is not possible. This is in concord with the rest of Kant’s philosophy, which emphasizes that we are not able to pronounce on the noumenal world, i.e. on â€Å"things in themselves†. He describes three categories of noumena – the soul, the material world, and God, the last being the source of the first two. Therefore God is definitely part of Kant’s philosophical scheme, only that he remains beyond human understanding, and we cannot even pronounce on God is the simplest form – ‘God is.† Just as we cannot know anything about the soul, or the material world, as things in themselves, but only come to know the consequences of them. Our understanding is limited to the phenomenal world, where practical reason applies. Kant also speculates on the existence of a transcendental â€Å"pure reason†, that which overcomes the anomalies of practical reason. Pure reason is identified as an end in itself, and is thus identified with perfection. He stipulates it as a moral imperative that we pursue â€Å"pure reason† as the highest goal. Yet he refuses to identify this perfection with God, and differs with Anselm on this point. He also differs with Descartes’ ‘cogito, ego sum’, and complains that logic is being applied to derive existence, the rationale being that the part cannot be used to explain the whole. The least objectionable ontology, in my opinion, is that of St. Anselm’s. To make this point I will show that the refutations put forward by Descartes and Kant are not appropriate. Descartes’ complaint was that the proof given by Anselm is wholly ideal, without reference to the phenomenal world to give it substance. But Anselm does indeed refer to the phenomenal world, when he introduces the postulate that the ideal of perfection has no corresponding existence in the real world. In fact on this postulate the entire argument hinges, for it is used to derive the contradiction, from whence the ontology ensues. â€Å"Cartesian doubt† a merely a long-winded way of coming to the same conclusion. Kant’s complaint, on the other hand, is not really an argument at all, but rather a boast that he has not has to use the words â€Å"God exists† anywhere in his philosophy. For to pick on the grammar of â€Å"God exists† on the justification that the noumenal world is unknowable is taking matters too strictly. Even accepting Kant’s theory, it is not right that we desist from pronouncing the existence of God. He may not have done so explicitly, but Kant does indeed pronounce of the existence of God in the implicit sense. As a moral precept to action he gives us the categorical imperative: â€Å"I am never to act otherwise than so that I could also will that my maxim should become a universal law† (13). The universal law is pertaining to the moral law, which is described as an end itself, and therefore is no different from the idea of perfection. An imperative is only categorical when it works universally, without contingency. To paraphrase Kant, the rationale of human existence is to pursue the moral life in order to attain to perfection, in other words, God. Other than the fastidious insistence of grammar, Kant does not really object to Anselm’s ontology. With both Descartes’ and Kant’s objections discredited, Anselm’s ontology must stand as the best, being the simplest and most intuitive. Works Cited Anselm. Basic Writings. Translated by Thomas Williams. Boston: Hackett Publishing, 2007. Descartes, Rene. Meditations on First Philosophy: With Selections from the Objections and Replies. Translated by John Cottingham. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. Kant, Immanuel. Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals. Whitefish, MT: Kessinger Publishing, 2004.   

Friday, August 30, 2019

Effects of Divorce on Children Essay

A divorce is a law that ends all the legal relationship of married couple, except those that are written in the decree of divorce. Parenting arrangement, spousal support, financial obligations, payments of debts, division of property, and support of the children are the things that can be included in the divorce decree. (Divorce)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A court of law should certify a divorce because legalities are needed to dissolve a marriage. The court decides on certain matters that can lead to years of hearing, as well as to a stressful and expensive experience. (Divorce)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Studies show that 27 percent of Americans have been divorced and the term â€Å"till death do us part† is becoming less likely. 43 percent of first marriages also end up in separation within 15 years. Second marriages also have lesser chnace of survival than first marriages. It was also found out that couples who married early are less likely to survive the marriage than those who married at older age. (Divorce Doesn’t Last)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For many years, it has always been a debate of whether or not the parents should work out the relationship for the sake of the children. A lot of people stand by the fact that when a relationship starts to fall, there’s no other way but down. But is it really worth it to stay in a married life for the sake of the children? Or is it better to part ways instead of staying in a troubled relationship? According to Michael Cochrane, a lawyer specializzing in family laws, there are two reactions which the children fall into when it comes to the divorce of their paraents. The first one are the super-good children who believes that by showing a good behavior, their parents will finally be together again as a reward for them being good. The other one is the exact opposite, those that tries to get the attention of their parents by acting negatively. (Are Your Kids At Risk?)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When divorce enter into the married life, it will never be a question of whether the children will be hurt, but a question of how badly they will be hurt. (Are Your Kids At Risk)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Children of divorced couples are often affected by the conflicts that the separation brings. Their physical, moral, spiritual, and social growths are affected by this vicious phenomenon that seems to be the trend among married couples nowadays. Their value formation and moral identity suffers the most and their fear of the future starts to develop. (Divorce. Josh McDowell’s personal notes on divorce)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fear, sadness, anger, confusion, worry, yearning, feeling of rejection, depression, conflicting loyalties, low self confidence, loneliness, high anxiety, and increased suicidal instincts are immediately felt by children upon the breakup of their parents. (Divorce. Josh McDowell’s personal notes on divorce)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Studies also show that if divorce occurs when the children are between 12 to 15 years old, their tendency is to react by attempting to speed up their growth, or to avoid growing up. (Divorce. Josh McDowell’s personal notes on divorce)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A national survey among 20,000 adolescents found out that those children with divorced parents did worse than those who came from an intact family when it comes to the sense of personal control, happiness, friendship, and trust.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Boys are are also more likely to show or feel depression than girls. Substance abuse dependence, earlier involvement in sexual activities, depression and hostile behavior are more likely to follow after a divorce. (Divorce. Josh McDowell’s personal notes on divorce) Childrens of divorced parents also suffer from neglect or abuse. Child abuse is related to violent crime and deliquency, and divorce is germane in the background of an abused child. Mothers and fathers who are divorced tend to remarry but it can only worsen the problem because the step-parent usually continue abusing the children. The rate of sexual abuse among daughters and step-fathers are also very high, compared with biological abuse of fathers who are in intact families. Two professors from McMasters University in Canada, Professors Martin Daly and Margo Wilson, report that young children are more likely to be killed at the hands of step-parents. (Divorce. Josh McDowell’s personal notes on divorce)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Children of divorced parents can experience varied effects. From short-term to long term, and from mild to severe. Although not all children of divorced parents experience difficulties, a lot of children are still negatively affected by the feeling of rejection. (Divorce. Josh McDowell’s personal notes on divorce)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Over a million American children suffer their parent’s divorce every year. Furthermore, children with divorced parents experienced the separation even before they reach their 18th birthday. The effects of divorce can also be a lifetime experience for the children involved. It can last from the day their parents separated, to their adulthood. (Divorce. Josh McDowell’s personal notes on divorce)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to recent findings, children lose their contact with their fathers and are often not close with their mothers, and have difficulties adjusting with their step families. It was also found out that boys have a harder time in emotionally adjusting than girls. Studies also showed that 20-25 percent of children with divorced parents suffer more damage compared with the 10 percent from intact families. (We’re Successful and Hurt)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Children of divorced parents suffer a great deal when it comes to their emotions. Emotional difficulties are experience by these children. Divorce leads a child in being self-destructive, therefore contributing to his poor image. Children of divorce develops very low self-esteem, anxiety, grief, and depression which can lead to an early loss of virginity, less desire to be a parent, and higher divorce rate when they enter marriage. This is now becoming a vicious cycle. Children of divorce also tend to be engage in divorce later in their adult life. Divorce also reduces the capacity of a child to be productive because of the lack of will to work. (Divorce. Josh McDowell’s personal notes on divorce)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Younger children, especially those below 5 years old, are more susceptible to emotional conflicts that occur when their parents separated. They are often associated with problems of younger children such as bedwetting. On the other hand, older children often try to look for love away from home therefore withdrawing themselves from home life. A study by Judith Wallerstein says that when divorce occurs on the parents of the children between six to eight, a huge segment of children experinece severe sadness and a constant need for encouragement in their everyday work. Anxieties for them are very high when it comes to personal commitment when they are older, especially when they enter into a maried life. Other studies suggest that college students with divorce parents have low self-confidence and low self-esteem. (Divorce. Josh McDowell’s personal notes on divorce)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Divorce can lead to increase rates of suicides and suicidal tendencies, increased risks for problems regarding health, and increased burdens when it comes to the emotional, psychiatric, and behavioral factor. The psychological stability of a lot of children can be chaotic when parents part ways. Suicide is very high on children with divorced parents. More often, these children feel alone and neglected and the only way to escape their depression is by killing themselves. (Divorce. Josh McDowell’s personal notes on divorce)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Children of divorced parents are also having problems when it comes to their social role in the society. They tend to isolate themselves from other people because of the feeling of hopelessness.   They are very much concerned about the betrayal of the one they love when it comes to their romantic relationship because they fear that what happened to their parents can also happen to them. They worry about being hurt or abandoned by their partner in life. (Divorce. Josh McDowell’s personal notes on divorce)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The parent’s divorce has a very high impact on the learning capacity and educational performance of the children as well as with their capacity to be an achiever. Educational difficulties are also experience by children who have divorced parents. They often show a slow learning capacity, and they perform poorly compared with other children. They also tend to repeat a grade level and drop out rates among these children are also very high. Divorce hinders learning by distracting the children’s way of thinking. This is because children tend to think more of the problem of their parents than that of their schooling. Because of its neghative effect on a happy home life, divorce can weaken a child’s capacity to learn. According to a study by the Kent State University in Ohio, children with divorced parents often have difficulty when it comes to studying compared with those that have a two-parent family. Cognitive scores are low for young children and math scores are badly performed to those children who do not have a father. On the other hand, there is an increase in the verbal capabilities of daughters when they are with their fathers. And even the most deterrent work on math and readin skills cannot eliminate the low performance at school among children with divorced parents. Furthermore, these children also have difficulties in relating with their peers and teachers. (Divorce. Josh McDowell’s personal notes on divorce)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Health problems are also experienced by children of divorced parents. The separation of the parents can also cause harmful physical health effects, and even worst, the length of a child’s life. A study shows that children whose parents parted ways before they reach their 21st birthday, can actually shortened the life sapn of those children by an average of four years. There is also a higher mortality rates for those children who have divorced parents than those who do not have. Another study also states that the mortality rates actually increases when the divorce occurs when a child does not yet reach his fourth birthday. Included in the health effects of of divorce during childhood are the larger increase in the rates of injury and higher asthmatic tendencies. Another study suggests that the negative effects of divorce on health did not subside even when a divorced parent remarried. Even Swedish researchers found that the differences in hospitalization rates and health risks are evident after they control for the social and family background. (Divorce. Josh McDowell’s personal notes on divorce)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Negative eveidences of divorce is indeed observable nowadays. And such indication of the negativity of divorce should be reason enough for the Americans to speak out and voice their views regarding this issue, or else, we will continue to experinec social putrefy.   Policymakers should never forget to always look at both sides of divorce and never forget to consider the welfare of the children because they are the primary victims of this social issue. Marriage education should be expanded as to help the couples to save their marriage. (Divorce. Josh McDowell’s personal notes on divorce)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The family is indeed the basic unit of the society. It is where children first gain confidence and it is their very first school. The parents are their first teachers and their siblings are their first friends. The importance of a family is indeed very significant in contributing to the ddevlopment of the society. Intact families are more likely to develop productive citizens than those with parents who are separated. Although it is safe to conclude that intact families tend to develop good better children, it doesn’t mean that children of divorced parents cannot produce productive citizens. The growth of a child depends on the upbringing of a parent, divorced, or not. How the parents handle the issue of divorce is the most imporatnt factor when it comes to the betterment of the children. In conclusion, it is trenchant to say that divorce is really rampant nowadays, but people should always keep in mind that the children are the parents’ responsibility. It is up to them to let their children feel loved no matter what the marital situation is. Respect and understanding should also be observed in order to ensure a child’s bright future. Parents should also never understimate the importance of communication with their children because it is the only way to know what they feel. Parents should explain to their children the reason why the marriage did not work out. They should help their children realize how important they are for both parents even if they parted ways. They should also make them understand that instead of using the divorce as a way to destroy one’s life, why not take it as a challenge and find better ways to improve their life even without their parents being together.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Through the institutions of our society, we must teach the people that a home, with parents never fails to show love and respect for each other is the best environment to raise happy and healthy children, and that the family is the most important institution to develop the children’s social, emotional and physical well being.       Works Cited:       (Are Your Kids At Risk?) Retrieved on June 16, 2006 from http://www.divorcemag.com/cgi-bin/show.cgi?template=article&state=CA&article=children/kidsatrisk       (A Kid’s Guide to Divorce) Retrived on June 16, 2006 from http://kidshealth.org/kid/feeling/home_family/divorce.html       (Divorce). Retrieved on June 16, 2006 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divorce (Divorce). Retrieved on June 16, 2006 from http://www.utahbar.org/bars/slcbar/html/divorce.html (Divorce Doesn’t Last). Retrieved on June 16, 2006 from   www.gallup.com/content/print.aspx?ci=11161    (Divorce. Josh McDowell’s personal notes on divorce) Retrieved on June 16, 2006 from http://www.josh.org/notes/file/Internet8-Divorce.pdf#search=’divorce’ (We’re Successful, and Hurt) Retrieved on June 16, 2006 from http://www.americanvalues.org/html/c-we_re_successful_and_hurt.shtml   

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Nespresso Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Nespresso - Essay Example The company has numerous opportunities, which range from expansion of its markets to progression of its sales as more people continue to buy its capsules. Discussion Internal Environment of Nespresso Nespresso has continued to record profits since 2001. This success is because coffee is among the most traded commodities on the world markets. Particularly, markets such as the French market are worth Billions of Euros and the country has been producing tones of the commodity. At Nespresso, the capsules segment has continued to increase as Seifert, Leleux, & Tucci (2008, p. 64) indicate that the year 2005 saw an increase by 57% and 56% in volume and value respectively. Moreover, since 2005, Nespresso’s market has grown by a wide margin annually. This progress can be partly attributed to the fact the machines used at Nespresso are capable of producing real espresso. According to Kourdi (2009, p. 79), the numerous chain outlets under Nespresso are currently competing with Italian b rands such as Segrafredo and Illy or players such as Columbus coffee and Starbucks coffee. The adoption of club Nespresso has catered for the provision of personalized advice on a 24/7 schedule with customers being informed about how to maintain the machines and use the products. Furthermore, Nespresso has adopted a sales channel, which has been widely used to order capsules, accessories and machines and guarantees delivery of Nespresso products within a few working days. Nespresso has a hotline that addresses technical issues and operates daily. Technicians at Nespresso provide assistance regarding return of machines, repairs, after-sales issues and replacement. Nespresso provides special services to companies that chose to install machines in their offices. This service is also provided to restaurants, hotels, airlines and luxury goods stores that serve customers with Nespresso. Nespresso has continued to enjoy success due to personalized services like follow-ups, which it offers to its customers. This service depends on the amount of coffee bought by the customer. Nespresso also sends reminder emails to the customer in case it thinks that the customer is about to run out of supply. Moreover, people who buy Nespresso machines automatically become members of the Nespresso club (Eigenhuis & Dijk, 2007, p. 28). Nespresso’s internal environment has also been characterized by weaknesses. Some of the weaknesses include decline in coffee consumption amongst the young population. Cronin (2010, p. 89) indicates that over the last decade coffee prices have experienced a slump. Moreover, the producers receive minimal proceeds from the sale of coffee given that intermediaries take unjustified cuts. Some of these intermediaries are infamous for their unscrupulous business practices. Furthermore, the capsule system adopted by Nespresso is unfriendly to the environment. External Environment Nespresso has numerous opportunities as coffee is among the trendiest drink in the world. According to Seifert, Leleux, & Tucci (2008, p. 60), millions of cups are drunk every day. Given the superior quality being produced by Nespresso and its marketing strategy, the company will be able to expand and gain a huge market to further its operations. It has become a modern trend for social occasions and informal meetings to be avenues for drinking coffee. This is a good opportunity for Nespresso, as it will benefit immensely

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Processed Foods Are Unhaelthy to Our Health Research Paper

Processed Foods Are Unhaelthy to Our Health - Research Paper Example Other food processing methods give the food its taste and convenient. Although home cooking is a way of processing foods, the term processed food is used to refer to the food modification in the industrial setting (Johanson, 2008). Food processing is a vital part of life in the industrialized countries. Many families in the United States feed on the processed foods. Even the families that cook their own food at some point they purchase the processed food (Johanson, 2008). For instance, a family that wants to eat pepperoni pizza for dinner could buy a cooked pizza from a store or a restaurant. They can get a frozen pizza to prepare at the comfort of their house. The family can also decide to make pizza for themselves. They can obtain the premade pizza crusts and dough, premade sauce, pre-sliced pepperoni, and pre-grated cheese at a grocery store. Similarly, the family could also make the pizza from the scratch. To prepare the crust, the family can purchase pre-milled flour and commerc ially packaged yeast. To make the sauce the family can buy dried spices and canned tomato sauce. All in all, the family will have to use processed foods. Common types of processed foods have existed for a long time in United States. In the seventeenth century and eighteen centuries, many people purchased processed foods such as spices, alcoholic beverages, flour, tea, sugar, and coffee in the seventeenth century and eighteen centuries. Canning was widely used with advent of new technology after to industrial revolution in United States. Today food industries use more advanced methods of food processing such as irradiation, pasteurization, vacuum packaging, and use of chemicals (Johanson, 2008). United States is one the nation in that produces and exports processed foods and beverages. The two contribute significantly to the U.S agricultural exports. The agricultural export figures indicate that the processed foods and beverages recorded an increase from 30.6 percent in the year 1996 to 38.2 percent in 2000 (U.S International Trade Commission, 2002). Some examples of processed foods include meat products, dairy products, and grain based foods. Some of the artificial ingredients used in manufacturing of foods comprise of flavors, preservatives, hydrogenated oils, and artificial sweeteners (Johanson, 2008). These processed foods possess a health risk to the consumers. The health concerns of processed food are not only in the United States but also in global spheres. Health Risk of Processed Foods Proper good diet is essential for maintenance health bodies. Conversely, poor diets lead to weakening of the defense systems of the body. The processed foods present an innumerable health risks to foods consumers. The negative effects of processed food can be immediate or they can take a long time. The processed foods are rich sources of toxins. The immediate effects of the processed foods include headaches, alteration in mental concentration and behavior. Processed food s can elicit an immune response. Severe cases of this response bring about some allergic reactions. The long term effects of processed food lead to heart complications. The extreme cases of heart diseases results to death. The processing of foods incorporates some harmful components in the processed foods. The processed foods contain a lot of fats (Insel, et al. (2004). When these fats enter into human body they cause many complications. Most

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Underline powerline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Underline powerline - Essay Example It becomes very expensive and a property owner cannot do this if the consumers are not willing to pay more. For instance, burying ordinary overhead power cable costs approximately $ 194,000 per mile. Burying power cables costs approximately $571,000 per mile. In order to retrofit a built house or building with installed underground power cables, it is more expensive because the costs increase up to $724,000 per mile. Those transmission lines that carry high voltage power, the thick power cables that transport power across long distances, installation of new power lines can cost approximately $ 23 million per mile. Therefore, the consumers will be required to cater for these costs because the property owner cannot bear them. The problem of installing power cables underground is that some infrastructure would still lie above land and be susceptible to damages related to storms and hurricanes. For instance, in New York City where power lines are installed underground, force of nature and an explosion from 14th street left many people without power. Underground installation of power cables is not a permanent solution to power outages because there is possibility of destruction from dig-in events and flooding which can leave people without power. Further, in situations where power blackout takes place within underground systems, it very hard for technicians to locate the affected area. Further, it consumes more time and money to carry out repair. The underground power line is not efficient because it is not easy to maintain, upgrade, it has a twenty-year life span and does not adapt easily to the underground environment. The property owners should take the responsibility of installing underground power lines because when storms and heat waves strikes, people go for days without power, and yet they are the ones’ responsible for paying the damages. Some areas places such as Texas and

Monday, August 26, 2019

Epidemiology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Epidemiology - Essay Example It is possible to have increased labour force participation by older workers. A slow growth in the labour force shall see health administration retain older workers by offering higher wages; flexible working schedules, increased training toward the older workers. This transition shall increase the dependence of technology in the health care field. Health administration shall invest heavily in research to come up with ways to deal with the economic implication presented by the post-industrial transition. Gaziano observes that the United States shall experience a new epidemiological transition. This new phase is because of a decline in physical activity among the population whereas their total caloric intake increases (Gaziano, 2008). The result is an epidemic of obesity that is already affecting the United States. This stage explains the expected rise in cases of type 2 diabetes, lipid abnormalities, and hypertension associated with obesity. The health administration faces this new challenge when their efforts are focused in reducing cases of degenerative and man-made diseases affecting the present society. Health administration shall invest in programs aimed at raising awareness on the importance of maintain healthy diet and being physically active. Health administration shall rely on school programs to ensure children understand the importance of physical activities. The federal government presently supports the health administration field by ensuring that the school diet promotes healthy living

Sunday, August 25, 2019

A long way gone 'Ishmael Beah and Allegory of the cave Plato's Essay

A long way gone 'Ishmael Beah and Allegory of the cave Plato's - Essay Example In this article, I will use the two texts, Allegory of the Cave by Plato and A long Way Gone’ by Ishmael Beah to justify the statement ‘can childhood ever be lost beyond recovery?’ The childhood ages are characterized by innocence of the mind and soul. Children are notable for being able to express their feelings and emotions in a manner that is straight, often hiding nothing compared to the older generations where hypocrisy characterizes most of their talks and manner of expressions. In his Memoir, Ishmael creates his protagonist; a child aged 12 years of age at the beginning of the story. Ishmael at this age has an innocent mind of a child making him central to the flow of the story. Living in a country rocked with war and violence due to the locals’ invasion by the country rebels, the young boy is forced to join the militia forces in order to fight and be able to defend himself and those close to him. Alongside other young boys from his tiny village in Sierra Leone, Ishmael, while traversing the lonely war torn fields develop feelings and emotions that derails him completely of his innocent childhood feelings. He looses his innocence in the field as he comes into close encounter with the war atrocities. Killing, sights of blood and dead people all around him becomes his usual norm in his war days. Contrary to the feelings of childhood that is free from crimes and the normalcy of reveling in criminal offences, Ishmael totally loose his childhood innocence and becomes a child combatant. However, the even as Ishmael revels in war and engages in serial killings as a combatant, his childhood likings such as the love for rap music remain his most revered hobby. Even though his present perception is derailed by the events encountered during combat, his childhood perception of life, far from that of evil combat remains and when this is discovered, he

Saturday, August 24, 2019

What sorts of ethical problems are posed by the fact of cultural Essay

What sorts of ethical problems are posed by the fact of cultural pluralism and how might the ethicist (that's you) respond to them - Essay Example This also raises the issue of cultural pluralism, moral absolution and ethical relativism which need to be understood from the wider perspective of pluralistic society and the ethical challenges that are posed. Cultural pluralism broadly defines the social structure that is distinct in its diversity vis-Ã  -vis culture, race and color. The cultural differentiation in the fast transforming political system has become a reality, As such, the autonomy of individuals irrespective of their color, race and culture is not only desirable but must be incorporated within the socio-cultural and legal paradigm of the region. Equal rights and freedom to speech and actions become essential components of societal norms. The states must therefore promote these values for peaceful co-existence. Philosophers have myriad views on the topic. Rawls (1993) believes that state must not intervene in personal choices of individual regarding their religion, culture etc. The actions of individuals must be rational such that they do not have adverse impact on others. But this may also produce ethical dilemma between moral absolution and ethic relativism. Moral absolutism supports normative ethics and believes that actions are either right or wrong. Kantian utilitarian theory (Schneewind, 1990) emphasizes moral obligations and asserts that actions that result in the good of maximum number of people are correct. This does not give way to doubts which in reality, is a very possible fact. It is especially true in the era of cultural diversity where moral relativism has emerged as critical aspect of one’s actions. Cultural pluralism highlights the different ideologies of various cultures that may view their actions differently as opposed to others. For example, polygamy is moral obligation in some community whereas in West, it is ethically wrong. Thus, challenge of moral relativism always exists in pluralistic culture. Ethical relativism also promotes the concept of differing views

Smoking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Smoking - Assignment Example risks of strokes by 2 to 4 time; coronary heart complication by 2 to 4 times; risks of cancer in women by 13 times, risk of cancer in men by 23 times and death from chronic, lung obstructive diseases by 12 to 13 times. To this end, it is pertinent for both smokers and non smokers to be enlightened on the risks factor of smoking, the benefits of not smoking as well as the intervention mechanisms for quitting smoking. It is a lifestyle habit whereby individuals engage in the inhaling of tobacco cigarettes. Evidently, smoking is a pertinent social and health problem due to a host of reasons. Foremost, tobacco smoking is a leading cause of preventable disease and death. Second, the longer an individual smokes during his or her lifetime; there is an increased level of damage to the health. Third, all tobacco smoke does not contain any risk-free level. Consequently, there is an immediate damage from tobacco smoking. Fourth, all cigarettes are pose critical health risks. To this end, there are no safe cigarettes. Evidently, smoking is a problem that affects the health of both smokers and non-smokers. This is due to the secondhand and thirdhand smoke which can be detrimental to the health of both smokers and non-smokers in society. Evidently, secondhand smokes emanates from two forms. These are sidestream smoke and mainstream smoke. In this regard, sidestream smokes emanates from the scorching end of a cigarette. On the other hand, mainstream smoke refers to the exhaled smoke by the smoker. To this end, both mainstream and sidestream smokes reside in the air as small particles for longer periods of time stretching into hours and days. Consequently, exposure to such particles for even such brief periods is enough to trigger health complications such as chest pains and heart pains. In this regard, there is concoction of chemicals present in tobacco smoke which are harmful to the non smokers and smokers. Evidently, there are at 69 chemical components of tobacco smoke

Friday, August 23, 2019

Architecture history exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Architecture history exam - Essay Example One of the reasons for these differences was religion, in which the Athenians had pagan religions that were not prohibitive on gender relations. Therefore, architects were not held to religious standards during construction and saw exposure of men and women nude even in their private quarters as a sign of civilization, unlike Islamic cities in which architects had to adhere to strict religious requirements on gender segregation and privacy. In Islamic cities, the creation of turf for men and women was one of the most important elements during design and construction. Rather than these turfs establishing distinctive regions of physicality; however, they were meant to insulate the genders by increasing line-of-sight distance (Abu-Lughod 162). This necessitated the height of nearby buildings and window placement in such a way that protected the visual privacy of neighbors. This was meant to prevent men from seeing women in their privacy, although it did not prevent women from seeing men in their privacy. The architecture of Islamic cities in this way was different to that in Athens. For example, the Parthenon in Athens contained various open floors that contained many offices in which both genders could attend, as well as a spacious hall designed for transactions with the public without any form of overt gender segregation. While there was some segregation, this was only physical in nature and not visual. In addition, the use of columns, rather than solid walls ensured that both genders could see one another in their privacy (Tournikiotis 43). In addition, the agora that was located at the top of the hill was mainly made of terracing that allowed citizens to sit and watch presentations but did not limit the line-of-sight in any way, being visible from all part of the city. Away from public spaces, the dwelling areas in Islamic cities were also segregated into private and public space. This was meant to ensure that men could move around the residential area without interfering with women’s activities and movements. For example, most houses had wings for men on the first floor that accessed the garden and balconies on the ground floor and these wings contained the sleeping quarters for the house-head and sitting rooms (Abu-Lughod 163). However, the women were housed on the 2nd and 3rd floors for receiving guests and living quarters. In Athens, women were also confined to the interior parts of the house. However, when it came to a space like the Parthenon, the democratic spaces were created to be viewed from all parts of the city, while the agora was designed in a way that exposed voting individuals to everyone. The main difference between these spaces in Athens and Islamic cities was that men were allowed to walk naked in Athens, although, just as in Islamic cities, women were expected to be clothed with dignity (Tournikiotis 33). Walking naked for Athenian men in their houses, which were exposed, was meant to be a way of affirming thei r masculinity and showing them, as good lovers. Another obvious sign of sexual segregation in Islamic cities was the public bath sign that indicates the day ladies’ are meant to take a bath. Other signs show subtler governance of space and time. In addition, women from poor families who could not afford top duplicate space were protected from

Thursday, August 22, 2019

19th Century America Essay Example for Free

19th Century America Essay Social Studies Essay Throughout the 19th century, America was a rapidly growing country. It was full of new inventions, new ideas, economic and social development, and new ways of thinking. But, most of these came from the North. The North and the South had many differences and many similarities. The North and South had many differences. One difference is that South’s economy relied on slaves more than the North. Almost all the Northern states immediately or gradually abolished slavery after the Revolutionary War. Another economic difference is that the South’s economy was based on â€Å"cash crops†. â€Å"Cash crops† include rice, tobacco, indigo, and cotton. The South had many plantations to support its farming economy. The North had many small farms as well as larger towns and cities. The North relied more on factory work. In the North, railroads and canals connected the states, allowing for greater economic development. The South’s social development was also very much different from the North’s. For example, in the South, the wealthy plantation owners and the slave owners were at the top. They supported their plantations with slavery. In the North, the upper class was made up of mostly city people who owned factories. Many of the factory workers were European immigrants. One example of a similarity is the class structure. They both had a very small upper class, a small middle class, and a large lower class. Another example is that the white men had all the power, and slaves and women didn’t have equal rights with the white men. In terms of economic similarities, farming was an important part of the economy in both the North and the South. These two regions obviously had many differences. In many ways, this strengthened the nation. The North’s factories processed the South’s crops, which tied the nation together. Also, having male dominance and having women and African Americans with no equal rights kept the nation together. But, these differences also created conflicts, which threatened the nation. The North wanted to abolish slavery for good, but the South needed slavery for crops, such as cotton. Because of this conflict, the Civil War would start later on. Overall, both regions’ differences threatened the nation. When the cotton gin was invented, this caused further conflict. It gave the South more reasons to keep slavery. Another conflict was the difference in wealth between the North and the South. The North had a more developed economy with canals, railroads, and factories. The South continued to rely on agriculture as its main component of the economy, requiring them to import manufactured goods. In conclusion, the North and the South were, overall, very different, but with some similarities. These differences strengthened the nation in a few ways and threatened the nation in many ways. The differences in social and economic structure led to the Civil War.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Causes and effects of international labour mobility

Causes and effects of international labour mobility Introduction Globalisation is the process of intensified international competition and trade. It enables the movement of goods, production factors, labour and technology across borders. If countries use their resources efficiently then globalisation can also enhance growth and social welfare. This depends on how much competition there is and a country has to have a certain stability and mobility of labour and resources for production. The common trade theory suggests that globalisation will equalise the prices of products and costs of production and free trade will lead to a more efficient allocation of resources. It is also beneficial for the customer since free trade suggests high competition and therefore companies will be able to offer low prices to their customers. This seems to be the case in the long run but problems that arise in the short run include high unemployment and income inequalities. Globalisation is an ongoing process that has been around for quite some time now. EU firms can o ffshore many tasks which were never possible before. This also means that international competition is completely changing and going through a transformation. Competition took place mainly between firms or different industries in different countries, however now since a lot of firms go abroad for their production, because it is cheaper, competition takes place between individual workers that use similar skills for their tasks in different countries, so they no longer compete within a nation. This of course can be beneficial for some workers but can also harm other workers. Europe is exactly facing this problem at the moment and this paper will focus on the impact globalisation has on the low skilled workers and income inequalities in Europe. European Globalisation trends Globalisation is taking place in nearly every country on the planet, but it has different effects on different nations. Trade expansion in Europe seems to be proceeding at a rapid paste, especially trade with low wage countries. Due to immense improvements in technology, transportation and communication, it is now a lot easier to handle the production process and this might have caused some firms to move parts of their production process to other nations. Offshoring and outsourcing are the common terms used when companies move their production process abroad. There are many reasons for why companies move to other nations for production. But the main reasons could be because it is cheaper to produce in less developed countries, firms only have to pay low wages and get a better output than in the home country. Especially labour intensive goods are shipped to less developed countries because there are more people that would do the job for less money. Therefore globalisation seems to hav e a negative effect on employment, especially low skilled labour. Since a lot of firms moved their production abroad and the ones that didnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t only employ high skilled labour, it makes it even harder for the low skilled labour to find employment. New technologies also lead to higher unemployment rates among low skilled workers, because the low skilled workers that used to have a job are no either replaced by new technological advancements or by high skilled labour. Overall one could say that globalisation lead to a high demand for skilled labour and on the other side a rise in unemployment among low skilled workers. EU trade In Europe most of the countries are part of the EU, which has special trade agreements. Trade among industrialised countries differs significantly from trade with the developing world. This is mainly due to the fact that industrialised countries are relatively similar, in the sense that they use similar production technologies and have similar factor endowments, so one could say that they produce pretty similar goods. Trade between them therefore mainly exists among industries. So countries would import and export products from the same industry sector. For example Germany exports their yogurts brands and France French yogurts to Germany. These goods are similar because they are both yogurts but they have different tastes and characteristics, that is why these countries trade. It is the same with cars, Germany sells German cars to France and France sells French cars to Germany. Trade among industrialised and developing countries is different. Countries export goods belonging to one s ector and import goods belonging to another sector. Germany would for instance export Volkswagens to China and import rice or computers in exchange. Theoretical approach Comparative advantage Ricardian model Globalisation leads to increased trade amongst countries. Countries usually produce goods where it is the cheapest to produce them. Krugman discussed this in Chapter 3, if free trade exists with countries that pay low wages then this will harm the country that pays high wages. In the end the consumer profits from this because if firms have low production costs then they are able to offer the products at a lower price. And the producer benefits from a higher income if he uses his resources more efficiently. Krugman gave an example of this where W represents the wage rate in the home country W* represents the wage rate in the foreign country And the home countries unit labour requirement for good i is aLi, and the unit labour required for good i of the foreign country is a*Li. Now if WaLi < W*a*Li then the home country will produce the good I because it is cheaper, as wages are less at home. Or if the relative productivity of a country is higher than the wages, then the good will be produced in that country. This can be calculated as a*Li / aLi > W / W*. So overall if a country produces the good that uses the resources most efficiently then trade will be beneficial for that country. EU Unemployment To explain why Europe is facing this high unemployment ratio one has to look at the relative wages. This can easily be determined by looking at the relative demand and supply of labour services. If W / W* rises then the relative demand for home labour services will fall. If the home country would produce goods with expensive labour services then this can have a huge impact on society. Because it means that production costs are high as the producer has to pay high wages and therefore he canà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t offer the final goods at an attractive price. If nobody buys the products because they are too expensive then the demand for labour services will go down too. This can also lead to fewer goods being produced at home because costs are too high, which will lead to a further reduction in demand for labour services in the home country. The Ricardian model only focuses on the productivity of labour across countries. According to this model a country gains from Trade if a country has a comparative advantage in producing a specific good. If the country produces the good it has a comparative advantage in, then it is able to use all its resources more efficiently and will gain more from producing this good. So here this model shows that overall if a country trades according to rules mentioned above, then the relative price of the good will increase, wages will increase and the producer is able to offer the good at a lower price so therefore even the consumer profits from it. Heckscher Ohlin Samuelson Model The Ricardian Model suggests differences in productivity of labour between nations cause productive differences. The Heckscher Ohlin model suggests that there are other factors of production between different countries, not just differences in productivity of labour, that cause differences in production. Usually the price of a good should be the same as its production costs, and the production costs also depend on how much wages they have to pay and the lending/renting rate of land. Changes in lending rates can affect the final price of a product, depending on how intensively you use land in production. For example if there are two products cloth and food, cloth is labour intensive and food is land intensive. If lending rates for land increase then this should have a bigger affect on the price of food than the price of cloth, because the production of food requires more land than the production of clothes. Heckscher Ohlin model also suggests that an economy will be efficient at producing goods that are intensive in the factors of production in which the country has a lot of. Just suppose the domestic country has an abundant amount of labour relative to land. This suggests that domestic country is abundant in labour and the foreign country is abundant in land. Likewise, the domestic country is scarce in land and the foreign country is scarce in labour. Because the domestic country is abundant in labour it would be very good at producing cloth, as cloth production is very labour intensive. The foreign country on the other hand should produce food as it is abundant in land and the production of food is very land intensive.(64-68) With trade the relative price of cloth should rise in the labour abundant country which is the domestic country, and should fall in the labour scarce country which is the foreign country. According to the Heckscher Ohlin Model, in the domestic country the rise in the relative price of cloth leads to a rise in the relative production of cloth and a decrease in the relative consumption of cloth. The same will happen to food in foreign economy. So what will happen is that the domestic country will become an exporter of cloth and an importer of food. And the foreign country will import cloth and export food. So one could say that a company would be very good at producing the goods that are intensive in its abundant factors, this just means a country produces the goods it has a comparative advantage in. And likewise a country should export goods that are intensive in its abundant factors of production and should import goods that are in its scarce factors of production. (58-63). To explain the wage inequalities among European low skilled workers one has to understand The Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson factor endowment model. This model predicts that trade among different countries derives from differing factor endowments across nations. This model looks at different countries that are trading with each other and these countries are also on the same technological level, which just means that they use the same technologies in their production process for both products. The production process for both goods in this case, requires two different inputs, this could be high skilled labour for one country and low skilled labour for the other country. For example, the production of one of the goods, for instance computers, requires more high skilled labour, while the production of the other good, for instance cloth, needs more low skilled labour. It is assumed that one of the two countries is relatively well equipped with either low skilled labour or high skilled labour, for instance Europe is equipped with relative large amounts of high skilled labour and the foreign country is relatively well equipped with low skilled labour. Usually when two countries trade industrialised countries have more high skilled labour and the developing countries have more low skilled labour. The Heckscher Ohlin theory in this case suggests that industrialised countries like Europe would export computers and the developing foreign country Europe is trading with should export cloth. The outcome would be that the relative price of cloth would fall in the industrialised country, but would do exactly the opposite in the developing country, the relative price would increase. This would lead to changes in wage distribution; low skilled labour in the industrialised country such as Europe would decline relative to the wages of high skilled labour. This can be explained because globalisation increased trade among countries and enabled countries access to products that were produced abroad, furthermore this implies that through trade the relative supply of low skilled labour has increased. According to this theory, inter -industry trade would as a result have the effect of increased wage inequality in industrialised countries like Europe, while inequality should decrease in developing countries. (58-61) Overall it seems as if owners of abundant factors gain with trade and owners of scarce factors lose. This model assumes that after international trade factor prices will be equal in both countries. This just means that once the domestic country which has a higher ratio of labour to land than the foreign country trade with each other, the wage rate and the lending/renting rate of land are the same in both countries. But that is not the case with every country that trades because labour moves around and usually both countries are not exactly the same in terms of infrastructure, technology and communication as the Heckscher Ohlin model suggests (68-69). Because ever changing differences in relative product prices has a large effect on the relative earnings of resources, and with trade the relative price also changes, so trade has a negative impact on income distribution. Causes and effects of international Labour mobility (chapter 7) p154 Heckscher Ohlin model focuses on trade as an explanation of bringing together factor prices, and capital / labour movements have similar effects. Capital tends to move from high wage countries to low wage countries. However labour migrates from low wage to high wage countries. Workers usually move to foreign countries in order to get paid more. Krugman suggested that labour will migrate to countries with higher labour productivity and higher real wages. And he further states that due to immigration wages will fall and due to emigration real wages should increase. If wages do not fall despite immigration, employers have no incentive to create additional jobs, and the immigration and this causes unemployment. Due to the fact that countries do not produce the same goods, due to differences in technology and due to immigration barriers, real wages across countries will never be equal (156-157). Companies in Europe which is considered an industrialised country will outsource those activities that use a large amount of unskilled labour. Moving these activities abroad would then lead to a decrease in the relative demand for low skilled labour in Europe within each industry. This means that outsourcing has a similar effect on reducing the demand for low skilled labour relative to high skilled labour within an industry, as does skill-biased technological change. Technological advancements and wages Skill-biased technological change reduced the demand for unskilled workers leading to higher long-term unemployment among low skilled workers in Europe. So low skilled workers would have to receive training in order to retain a job. At the same time, international outsourcing also leads to a shift in relative demand for labour. Firms outsource the low skill intensive parts of production and therefore increase the relative demand for skilled labour. Technological advancements also enabled companies across the world to better communicate with each other. Fast communication is a key factor when you are trading. Better infrastructure and more ways of transportation also enabled and increased trade among different countries. Benefits from globalisation According to the traditional trade theory globalization will equalize the price of products and production factors. Free trade will lead to a more efficient allocation of world resources as competition will shift production to the producers with the lower production cost. This more efficient allocation of resources will boost growth with positive effects on social welfare. Innovation and increased international competition can lead higher productivity, higher wages and improved living standards. Consumersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ welfare will improve due to a decrease in prices. However, the fall in prices relies on the level of competition in the product markets. Conclusion If economies have different capital/labour ratios, free factor mobility will encourage capital (labour) to move from the economies with a high (low) capital/labour ratio to those in which capital (labour) is relatively scarce. This process will affect the distribution of income since it will increase the relative income of capital (labour) in the countries initially with a high (low) capital/labour ratio. As globalization accelerates further, both costs and benefits will tend to raise while costs such as higher unemployment and income inequality will be concentrated in the short run while benefits in the form of lower prices, higher productivity and income will only occur later on.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Treatment for Patients with Trauma After Head-on Collisions

Treatment for Patients with Trauma After Head-on Collisions The Optimal Treatment for Patients with Trauma Following Head-on Collisions Trauma patients always call for specialized treatment and also care in a bid to save their lives. The existing literature always underpins the conviction that trauma-related mortality could be worked down through promptly absolute consideration conveyed by means of a multidisciplinary approach. Each health care institution with an enthusiasm for looking after the injured ought to assess its internal human and office- based assets in order to create a protocol for suitable multidisciplinary group activation. Building the Trauma Team Activation Policy for many health centers is an internal hospital/Trauma Systems Committee examination. The essential objective of trauma group initiation criteria is to guarantee that the necessary resources in line with addressing the clinical needs of injured patients are always accessible. This is clearly outlined in the Trauma Team Activation policy (Stiell Wells, 2011). PICO Framework In line with coming up with the clinical question, the PICO framework is pertinent: P represents the patient’s problem or population. The chief concern of the patient is given credit in this regard. I represents intervention where one has to come clearly up with what he plans to do with the patient. C represents comparison, where an alternative has to be sought in case the first way fails. O represents outcome, which is what is expected in the end. Clinical Question What can be the best clinical interventions and predictions post triage activation for head-on collisions? Methods Identification: The identification was mainly done by database searching, where links that were pertinent to the research were readily available. This entailed gaining insight from the most recent sources and the available pieces. There were two sources that were purely found on the internet and were easy to locate. Screening: The screening entailed considering the issues being outlined in the sources identified. Those sources that touched on both the policy and the response from different quotas were considered. Those that were narrow in their perspective were excluded in a bid to ensure that the information matched the needed criteria. In the long-run, five articles were deemed relevant and eligible for the research. Eligibility: There article that was considered for eligibility. However, after assessing the keenness and the way the article related to the clinical question, some information was deemed ineligible. The considerations given an upper hand were how the head-on-collision were to be treated and how the team was to respond. Aim: To understand the main issues necessary to be handled in line with the head-on collisions. The fundamental trauma causes of TBI incorporate violent hostility, transportation accidents, and falls. TBI victims are for the most part young men aged seven to10. TBI-related results advance past recorded fatalities. They can also be seen towards victims who survive trauma. These people may exhibit physical, cognitive, correspondence, and behavioral incapacities. They can also exhibit inadequacies at a few levels in line with enduring issues on social and occupational levels. The outcomes of trauma consequences also touch the exploited peoples families. These are families who might be viewed as concealed exploited people. An emergency in the family system frequently emerges. It is also the rise of sicknesses that bargain the familys capacity to function and recover (Cotton, Dossett Haut, 2010). The support of the speech therapist in the multidisciplinary team provides care to TBI victims. This care is significant people because this proficient will can survey the particular needs of the exploited people at an early stage. This can be conducted in line with communicative skills and other related issues. This is carried out to prevent, minimize, or avoid possible trauma squeal. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) has given out one of the effects of Trauma (Cotton, Dossett and Haut 2010). They have said patients with traumatic cerebrum damage may encounter challenges in discovering words to communicate. They may also encounter problems in understanding a thought through discourse, composition, or reading. This dialect or speech and cognitive modifications compromise an individuals correspondence to several degrees. These levels range from minimal to extensive. Critique Speech and language processing activities include notable exercises in the cerebral cortex. Thusly, several sorts of changes in the Central Nervous System (CNS) may bring about different kinds of language or speech issue. Trauma is the leading cause of death in the initial four decades of life in Norway. Esposito and associates have shown that one out of four deaths brought about by trauma could be prevented with better trauma care. They have also found that the preventable death rate declined to 15% after system change. Chiara and associates found that 43% of deaths caused by trauma were probably preventable. They also found that in excess of half of trauma patients received wrong medicine in the hospital. A most recent study revealed that most medication treatments still take place in the crisis room stage. The study has also found that one of the 12 deaths was considered possibly preventable (Cotton, Dossett Haut 2010). Validity and Reliability Qualitative Research is an essential exploratory research. It is utilized to increase an understanding of underlying reasons, assumptions, and inspirations. Quantitative Research is normally used to analyze the problem hin different ways. One of the ways is creating numerical information that could be converted into usable facts. It is used to quantify mentality, suppositions, practices, and other characterized variables. It also sums up results from a bigger group of individuals (Klugh 2009). Quantitative Research uses measurable information to form truths and uncover designs in research. Quantitative data collection systems are significantly more organized than Qualitative data collection systems. Quantitative data collection incorporates different manifestations of studies. Some of these studies include online overviews, paper reviews, versatile studies and booth reviews. Other studies include eye to eye meetings, phone meetings, longitudinal studies, site interceptors, online sur veys, and efficient perceptions. In Norwegian hospital centers, there are different groups dealing with trauma. This variety enhances the success of a group association. There is also a critical range of the hospital centers regarding trauma burden (Mallor 2005). Hospital centers vary in size from small hospitals with few traumatized patients to doctors facilities. Different projects have been made to treat trauma in the country. The BEST Foundation created a Norwegian production model using reproductions for group production of healing facility trauma groups. The focus of this production system is on non-specialized abilities as communication, initiative and collaboration (Robertson 2011). It is worth noting that the etiological, disciplinary and regulatory social processes intersect in line with patients who have had accidents, and always influence the progression of this illness. Despite the fact that the precise explanation for most maladjustments is not known, it is coming to be clear through exploration that a number of these conditions are initiated by trauma and recuperation from a maladjustment is not essentially a matter of will and self-discipline (Cotton, Dossett and Haut 2010). The society needs to support these people, on all fronts, in order to ensure that they fit in all settings. This can be done through contribution of funds to the charity, mainly in monthly subscriptions. This will help build on the awareness of the ailment, and also enlighten the society on the importance of accommodating these patients. People can also offer counseling sessions, both to the victim and his or her family. This will help weed out any fears of the positive relations tha t existed in the society. People always gear towards attaining and advocating for trauma health: the ability to like life and adapt to its tests. Issues that influence this limit are shifted in sort and intensity. In some intense cases the term psychiatric ailment, or trauma, is utilized. Trauma issues can affect both youngsters and mature people. Changes in correspondence abilities, social aptitudes, and swallowing examples (dysphagia) are characteristics of trauma issues that discourse and dialect specialists may be included with (Holbrook 2012). Data collection Sampling technique was embraced (Healey 2011). At present the greater part of open use in trauma goes on individuals experiencing trauma- who are around a quarter of a million individuals. At any one opportunity there are 1 million individuals experiencing the clinical sorrow, and an alternate 4 million experiencing clinical uneasiness states (Holbrook 2012). For these assemblies, the discouraged and the frightful, there is very nearly nothing aside from a couple of minutes. A significant number of these individuals dont need pills yet they do need trauma treatment. As per the Psychiatric Morbidity Survey under a 50% of all the individuals experiencing dejection were gaining any medicine, and under 10% were appropriating any trauma treatment. For individuals with uneasiness each of these figures ought to be split. This is completely unacceptable. Assuming that individuals have any industrious physical ailment like asthma, pulse or skin malady they immediately see an authority. There are two purposes behind this disregard. One is stigma and the different is an uncommon deferred reaction to the way that we now have medications that work, which we didnt have 50 years back. Therapists and doctors say that the brain can be subdivided into many different areas and structures. Cognitive behavior therapy has dealt with a number of disorders one of which is social phobia and others disorders that manipulate peoples thoughts and feelings, this therapy is famous for treating disorders though not most of them and is the most form of modern psychotherapy practiced widely. When they are attacked, they tend to sweat, blush, urgent masturbation, heart pounds, dry lips, nausea, voice trembles, and tension of the muscles. This is also believed to be a common disorder in adults around the world. The people who have the bigger percentage of the disorder are single individuals and their socioeconomic status is low. Therapists have made developments in relation to the treatment of phobia and research more about the disorder, they have been doing this for the past decades; this is because they know that the disorder can neither be medicated nor diagnosed. The existence of the cognitive behavioral therapy to treat social phobia has made efforts to treat the disorder effectively compared to other supportive and wait list therapies. This therapy is intended to provide training to their clients according to how the therapy works, they focus on creating the tie between the negative thinking or assumptions and the anxiety they suffered in their condition. The cognitive behavioral therapy concentrates much on trauma cases and information processing. Patients suffering from disorders are given a chance to know their problem and know the cause of the catastrophe, this done through being diagnosed by the therapist. Although its focus is on peoples thoughts and feelings it cannot treat all trauma problems caused by disorders but it mainly focuses on the symptoms of schizophrenia. A therapist has to help the patient to create the link between the patients thoughts and feelings and later find out the solution to the problem on the ground. In the ABC model that was introduced by Ellis and Harper states that the patient has to make a link between his or her belief and its problems not forgetting the activating events. The therapist has to find a way of making the patient improve on the negative attitude and concentrate o the positive side of life (Kouraklis Spirakos 2012). Authority of Trauma Team Activation Policy Protocols for any given Trauma Team Activation ought to be determined by various variables. The latter have to incorporate characterizing the most severely injured patients and hence determine the prompt resource needs to convey ideal consideration to the patient. The contemplations ought not to remain solitary as actuation criteria, but be assessed in the setting of physiologic, anatomic and mechanism of the given injury criteria. This is done in anticipation of the probability of increased danger of morbidity and mortality that may warrant a more thorough reaction and assessment than that of the given trauma patient. The document elucidates that Trauma Activation Criteria ought to be dependent upon least ACS criteria and other authoritative guidelines. The approach characterizes the person answerable for corresponding with EMS in regards to an inbound trauma patient. It also considers how specialists affirm how they are mindful of initiation ought, and to whom they impart. Extra cr iteria ought to be dependent upon accessible resources as recognized through discussions with trauma colleagues, therapeutic direction and health organizations. The policy characterizes every part and obligations, and incorporates doctors, specialists, nursing, laboratory staff, profound consideration, social administrations, clinic organization and any relevant members of the group. Trauma is caused by traffic collisions. It is one of the most outstanding causes for death in people aged 10 to 24. There is awkwardness in the prevalence of the danger of traffic related trauma in developed and underdeveloped countries. Both of these countries must have the higher risk which may be found in the future. Components include infrastructure quickens mechanization of its population. Conclusion Trauma Team Activation policy is an exceptional domain of being and life as a unique condition. It relates to the same way that science is an uncommon domain of science, dissimilar from physical science. The policies contention is that, if the trauma things rolling out from the brains of living things are a dissimilar domain of presence, then strictly physical hypotheses about the inceptions of life. For example many hypothesis, cannot be deemed as completely right. Life cannot have gone out exclusively from a primordial concoction response, and the methodology of characteristic choice cannot represent the formation of the domain of brain (Stiell Wells 2011). Trauma Team Activation policy turns into a contingent of ideas that are drastically different from the head-on collision. It is worth noting that it manages an unlimited and urgent domain of phenomena that physical science does not, on any front include, accurately because they are major parts of living things. Research always indicates the effectiveness of the treatment approaches which come as a result of using various principles of the contingency management. This includes giving tangible rewards to patients in a bid to reinforce them towards the positive behaviors. The Psychosocial counseling treatment and methadone programs stated that the incentive-based interventions are effectively promoting drug abstinence and even trying to increase treatment attentions. Reference List Cotton, B, Dossett, A. Haut, E. 2010. Multicenter validation of a simplified score to predict massive transfusion in trauma. J Trauma; 69 Suppl 1: S33-S39. Healey, J. F. 2011. Statistics: A Tool for Social Research (revised ed.). London: Cengage Learning. Holbrook, T. 2012. The impact of major trauma: quality-of-life outcomes are worse in women than in men, independent of mechanism and injury severity. J Trauma; 56(2): 284-290. Kouraklis, G. Spirakos, S. 2012. Damage control surgery: an alternative approach for the management of critically injured patients. Surg Today; 32(3): 195-202. Klugh, H. E. 2009. Statistics: the essentials for research (6, illustrated ed.). New York: Wiley. Mallor, J. P.(2005). Business Law: The Ethical, Global, and E-Commerce Environment (13 ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Robertson, C. (2011). Management of cerebral perfusion pressure after traumatic brain injury. Anesthesiology; 95(6): 1513-1517. Stiell, I. Wells, G. (2011). The Canadian CT Head Rule for patients with minor head injury. Lancet; 357(9266): 1391-1396.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Its Time to Stop Drugging Our Children with Ritalin Essays -- Effects

Truth be told, there are not many people who can be trusted in this world. Especially when it comes to children, parents are always very cautious and careful as to who can encounter their child. The world we live in today is extremely different from the world we once lived in a few decades ago. Along with traditions and culture; technology has taken over everything. Technology has become the root cause of major changes in everything we know of today. Parenting also became a target of technology. But among all these changes, doctors seem to be kept put in the place of professionals that parents to this day trust and rely on whole heartedly, even though medical research and technology is completely new when it comes to diagnosing and prescribing drugs. Remarkably, one may find it very hard to realize the fact that even though doctors are oh so blindly trusted, they keep prescribing a drug that comes from the same class and chemical compound as cocaine to children. Drugs that have the same chemical compound as a narcotic are known as class 2 medications. Knowing that class 2 medications have the same classification as cocaine, morphine and amphetamines, doctors in America are continuing to prescribe these drugs to children aging from 5-17 merely because of behavioral issues at school and at home that parents keep advocating their children have. Is the use of technology and the use of quick fixes taken over the way we see parenting? It can be hard to realize that this just might be the case today! Parents have so become used to the accommodating quick fixes of 2014 that they have forgotten that their children are still humans and not apps that can be hushed or manipulated via medication. Parents along with doctors who merely prescri... ... . July 8th 2014 "Managing Side Effects Of ADHD Medications." Brown University Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology Update 15.2 (2013): 8. Academic Search Complete. Web. 8 July 2014. LaJeana D. Howie, M.P.H., C.H.E.S.; Patricia N. Pastor, Ph.D.; and Susan L. Lukacs, D.O., M.S.P.H.CDC/National Center for Health Statistics . Use of Medication Prescribed for Emotional or Behavioral Difficulties Among Children Aged 6–17 Years in the United States . April 24, 2014. Web June, 25th 2014. Robyn Breen Shinn. J.R Getty . Why Giving Adderall to Toddlers Is So Completely, Utterly Wrong . 05.19.14 . 07/01/2014 .

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Translations Essay -- Literary Analysis, Brian Friel

Shakespeare once wrote, â€Å"What’s in a name? That which we call a rose / By any other name would smell as sweet.† I would have to disagree with Juliet’s assertion that a name is a meaningless convention, and I think Brian Friel would as well. It is a concept addressed in his play Translations, set at a time of change for his native Ireland, when the country itself is on the cusp of submission to the imperialism of England. Two significant colonial events are taking place: the implementation of the National School System which replaced locally-run hedge schools like the one in which the play is set, as well as the remapping of Ireland and anglicising of place names by the British. To translate something means to change it from one condition to another, or adapt it from one system or language into another; indeed this metaphor can be applied to this play but also to Irish history. In this paper I will discuss this play as an examination of language as a defining characteristic of a particular culture and its consequent power as a colonizing tool, the way language and communication can manifest themselves as positive or negative influences and how Friel exposes the violence, figurative and literal, suffered by the Irish people as a result of these translations. The English colonizers are using language in a negative capacity, as a vehicle to exert their power over Ireland. They claim that the renaming of places is being done â€Å"to advance the interests of Ireland,† (31), when in fact it is a step to eradicating the Gaelic language. While the English may not be enslaving the Irish or moving them all to reservations, as in the case of Canadian and American First Nations peoples, this is an example of a more subtle, but equally as damagin... ...slating a story (and struggling with the translation of it) that celebrates the triumphs of the Roman Empire, and written in Latin, the language of the conquering Romans. The irony of this final scene is that Translations is a play written by an Irish playwright, but written and performed in English, the language of Ireland’s conquerors. The message of Translations is simple: language is something much bigger than a way to communicate. Language is at the cornerstone of identity, whether it personal identity or that of an entire nation. To attempt to eradicate the language of a particular place is a crime against its character and legacy. Given Ireland’s unique colonial history and the challenges it still faces today in regards to the preservation of its culture and language, it is easy to see why this play has become such an important piece of Irish culture.

Is Weed As Bad As They Say? Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Is Weed As Bad As They Say?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Illegal drug use is a major problem in the world today. Millions of dollars are spent every year to prevent the distribution of drugs. All drugs is smuggled into the United States concealed in false compartments, fuel tanks, seats, tires of private and commercial vehicles, pickup trucks, vans, mobile homes, and horse trailers (Pierson. 12-8-01) Large shipments is usually smuggled in tractor-trailer trucks in false compartments and in bulk shipments, such as agricultural products. The government has created ways to cut down on drugs. Yet the drug crisis is greater today then ever. Marijuana is one the most widely used illegal drug. Over the past thirty years the government has condemned Marijuana. So in this paper, I will be describing the pros and some cons about the use of Marijuana. Marijuana use should be legalized because of the beneficial uses that our economy can gain from weed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Marijuana, also spelled Marihuana comes from the Indian hemp plant, cannabis sativa (Gwinn. Pg.764). It is a crude tobacco like substance produced by drying the leaves and flowery top of the cannabis plant. It is put into pipes or formed into joints, similar to a cigarette, for smoking. Recently, it has appeared in cigars called blunts. The drug is a mild hallucinogen meaning that it distorts sensory perceptions. Marijuana has a wide variety of street names including pot, tea, grass and weed (Dudley. pg. 21) Marijuana can also be added to foods such as brownies and beverages.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The intoxication part of the plant is mostly in its strong-smelling, sticky, golden resin. The hemp flowers, especially those of the female plant, gives the strong smell off. Many users describe two phases of marijuana effects as initial stimulation, giddiness, and euphoria, followed by sedation and pleasant tranquility. Mood changes can often accompany altered perceptions of time and space of one's bodily dimension (Gwinn. pg.765). The hemp plant can be found growing as a weed or as a cultivated plants in peoples homes. Marijuana can survive in almost any soils and climates. And the more potent varieties grow in dry, hot, and wasteland type environments (Pierson. 12-8-01)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Marijuana varies in potency, depending on where and how... ...nbsp;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although it is true that there has been no proven studies that marijuana is indeed a life threatening drug (O’Brien pg. 70) But it has been proven that marijuana is a safe, versatile, and inexpensive medicine (Nahas. pg. 58-59) And what makes it even better is that it has been proven that marijuana is less toxic and dangerous than most of the prescriptions drugs given to you by your doctors which you trust (Nahas. pg. 111)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Marijuana is a useful and misunderstood substance. If more studies are done, it can be a helpful assistance to the economy (Skidmore. 12-7-01) Marijuana was legal for many years and we didn't have a big drug problem like today. Marijuana laws, the threat of jail and fines will not stop drug use. All they do is make it harder to help people (Skidmore. 12-7-01) As to me, I respect the right of people to control their own bodies. I believe we should legalize weed, and help those who need it, and let the police spend their time protecting us from real crime. I also believe our society should have a more opened mind on the hemp plant and really see the up side uses of marijuana.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Is Weed As Bad As They Say? Essay -- essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Is Weed As Bad As They Say?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Illegal drug use is a major problem in the world today. Millions of dollars are spent every year to prevent the distribution of drugs. All drugs is smuggled into the United States concealed in false compartments, fuel tanks, seats, tires of private and commercial vehicles, pickup trucks, vans, mobile homes, and horse trailers (Pierson. 12-8-01) Large shipments is usually smuggled in tractor-trailer trucks in false compartments and in bulk shipments, such as agricultural products. The government has created ways to cut down on drugs. Yet the drug crisis is greater today then ever. Marijuana is one the most widely used illegal drug. Over the past thirty years the government has condemned Marijuana. So in this paper, I will be describing the pros and some cons about the use of Marijuana. Marijuana use should be legalized because of the beneficial uses that our economy can gain from weed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Marijuana, also spelled Marihuana comes from the Indian hemp plant, cannabis sativa (Gwinn. Pg.764). It is a crude tobacco like substance produced by drying the leaves and flowery top of the cannabis plant. It is put into pipes or formed into joints, similar to a cigarette, for smoking. Recently, it has appeared in cigars called blunts. The drug is a mild hallucinogen meaning that it distorts sensory perceptions. Marijuana has a wide variety of street names including pot, tea, grass and weed (Dudley. pg. 21) Marijuana can also be added to foods such as brownies and beverages.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The intoxication part of the plant is mostly in its strong-smelling, sticky, golden resin. The hemp flowers, especially those of the female plant, gives the strong smell off. Many users describe two phases of marijuana effects as initial stimulation, giddiness, and euphoria, followed by sedation and pleasant tranquility. Mood changes can often accompany altered perceptions of time and space of one's bodily dimension (Gwinn. pg.765). The hemp plant can be found growing as a weed or as a cultivated plants in peoples homes. Marijuana can survive in almost any soils and climates. And the more potent varieties grow in dry, hot, and wasteland type environments (Pierson. 12-8-01)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Marijuana varies in potency, depending on where and how... ...nbsp;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although it is true that there has been no proven studies that marijuana is indeed a life threatening drug (O’Brien pg. 70) But it has been proven that marijuana is a safe, versatile, and inexpensive medicine (Nahas. pg. 58-59) And what makes it even better is that it has been proven that marijuana is less toxic and dangerous than most of the prescriptions drugs given to you by your doctors which you trust (Nahas. pg. 111)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Marijuana is a useful and misunderstood substance. If more studies are done, it can be a helpful assistance to the economy (Skidmore. 12-7-01) Marijuana was legal for many years and we didn't have a big drug problem like today. Marijuana laws, the threat of jail and fines will not stop drug use. All they do is make it harder to help people (Skidmore. 12-7-01) As to me, I respect the right of people to control their own bodies. I believe we should legalize weed, and help those who need it, and let the police spend their time protecting us from real crime. I also believe our society should have a more opened mind on the hemp plant and really see the up side uses of marijuana.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ptlls Equality and Diversity.

Throughout this essay I will look at and discuss the issues of equality and diversity. I will also look at ways to promote inclusion with the learner, and how to meet their needs; I will provide evidence and give examples of this. ‘Each of your learners is an individual who should be treated as an equal and with respect’ Wilson, L. (2008. pg. 27) As a lecturer it is essential to show equality in the learning environment. A lecturer must always treat all learners equally and try not to show favouritism. All learners should treat each other with professional courtesy and respect due to learners themselves needing to feel safe in the environment and feel like they too are being treated with respect. Also, both learners from different backgrounds and with different personalities need to be accepted within the learning environment. It is also important that when displaying any posters or using any learning materials that you do not stereotype people and that it is free from inappropriate use of language that may cause offence . For example you would avoid using words like ‘manpower or ‘blackboard’ as this may offend a learner of certain race or gender in the class. ‘Teachers must know how to treat individual children; and there is great skill and subtlety in knowing when to confront or when to ignore certain behaviour’. Cullingford, C. (1995. Pg. 109) Diversity is to know and value the differences between individuals and ensuring they are not being excluded and participating within the classroom. You are then including everyone; this will then show good practice of inclusion. For example if you have a learner with special educational needs; to help the inclusion of that learner, a use of an LSA to help support that learner may be appropriate. The lecturer must have a positive attitude and have willing staff to be activity involved with the learners. As a lecturer you should set targets that suit the individual learner’s needs. Also, the learner should have a key person with who they can go to, for extra support. The lessons must be also be planned with flexibility to allow for all different types of learners you may have. As a lecturer you must meet the potential needs of your learner. For example, if you have a learner in a wheelchair then you need to adapt your lesson to suit. You could do this by ensuring that the learning environment has been customized to facilitate the needs of that learner; for example, a lower-ground classroom could be used. To summarise, it is very important that the lecturer and the learners treat each other equally and with respect. The lecturer must understand the individual’s needs and accommodate the learning environment to suit them in a way to promote inclusion. Therefore, all learners should be included and have the additional support when needed.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Northern Rock Plc

Northern Rock Plc Contents Page 1Report2 1. 1Audit Committee and Auditors2 1. 2Experience:4 2Comparison5 2. 1Chief Executive and Chairman5 2. 2Audit Committee5 2. 3Risk Management Committee6 2. 4Remuneration & Nominations Committee6 3Chance of another failure6 4Conclusion:8 5References8 Report In this report I am going to highlight the weaknesses in the corporate governance code of Northern Rock that lead to its downfall. Audit Committee and AuditorsAccording to the UK Corporate governance code the board should set up formal and obvious arrangements bearing in mind how to apply the corporate reporting internal control, and risk management rules for keeping the right relationship with the company`s auditors. The board should make up an audit committee of at least three non executive directors in the case of smaller companies at least two NEDs. The chairman can be a member in smaller companies but cannot chair the committee unless he or she was considered independent on appointment as chairman.The board should make sure that at least one the member should have recent and relevant experience in the audit committee. The board’s responsibilities are to lay out all the terms in writing and monitor the financial statement of the company, to review the financial performance and reporting. It should also review internal financial control, risk management system if not in place separately to check the effectiveness and internal function of internal audit.The board should also be review and monitor the external auditors work their appointments and re appointments, their remunerations, and more importantly the non audit services should be checked very closely. In the case of Northern rock the board and the audit committee failed to implement the above mentioned guidelines. In July 2007 the chief executive published on the website that operationally Northern rock’s first half of 2007 was a good one. He mentioned that mortgage lending in particular was strong.I f that was the case then how did Northern Rock end up being nationalised in just over 7 months? Was someone checking and verifying the statements of the chief executive. The external auditor’s complacency was another issue. In their report of 2006 they gave a clean bill of health. This was later investigated by the House of Lords economic affairs committee which found that the auditors had performed their job carelessly. An effective audit committee could have spotted these problems well in advance.The reason for PWC’s complacency might either be because of the presence of Rosemary Radcliffe on the audit committee who was previously a partner of PWC or maybe they were providing other non audit services to the company and did not want to upset the board. As per the corporate governance code the number of audit committee’s members was according to the code but none of the NEDs had any financial experience. Nichola Pease had experience of fund management but not in the banking industry even that experience was not a recent one as required by the code.It seems that at Northern Rock the audit and risk committees were not taken very seriously as Rosemary Radcliffe only attended two out of four audit committee and one out of three risk committee meetings. Experience: Northern Rock appointed a Senior Independent Director with over half the board being non-executive directors- following the combined code 2 and Basel 2 recommendations. However none of the directors were experienced enough in the field of banking not even building society.This in fact does not support the idea of having good corporate governance as it does not ensure failure or success. The above factors raised questions as to why the company’s shareholders did not question the risky business model or was it because of outstanding profits seen as the reward for taking such risk. The remuneration committee can also be held responsible for the failure as both the chief executive and the company took on the gamble for the high risks which in turn questions the values of the shareholder and executive. As mentioned above there were so many factors involved . i. e. he lack of experience, the chairman of the board and nominations committee Dr Ridley had no prior financial experience and even the subject that he has studied is far different to the role he was responsible for. The other four non executive directors Fenwick, Gibson, Pease and Queen also did not have recent relevant experience. Sir Derek Wanless with a good education background but unfortunately with some negative history while working in NatWest where he got paid ? 3M having lead a disastrous acquisition strategy. If the company was aware of the history then why was he appointed as a chairman of the Audit and risk committee?All of the above points indicate that it was really poor corporate governance in place which neither of the committee paid attention or lack their experience in the case of chi ef executive`s appointment cannot be said that much as he was internally promoted it is sometimes good so he knew about the company from scratch to the top but in some case it is better to have an experience person from a different companies so that they can bring new ideas and innovation. The audit committee had to review what they have been there for the monitoring of the internal financial control, the services, remuneration, re appointments of the external auditors.If the corporate governance were strong in the company there would not be any mis representation of the financial reporting neither by the chief executive nor by the external auditors and also they would have known the consequence of the failure before it had happened. Comparison In this question I am going to compare the governance arrangements noted in the case study with the current version of the UK corporate Governance code. Northern rock had applied most of the governance code but there were some weaknesses in s ome of the areas. Chief Executive and ChairmanAs per the UK governance code the chief executive and the chairman should be separate, their re-appointment and remuneration will have to be approved by the board. In Northern Rock the above codes were applied properly. Chief executive and chairman were two different individuals and their appointment and re appointment were also approved by the board. Audit Committee As mentioned above Northern Rock’s audit committee failed to comply with the UK Corporate Governance code on more than one count which led to the auditors not performing their job properly. Audit committee should act as a watch dog in an organisation.Risk Management Committee UK corporate governance says that the board should conduct a review of the risk management committee’s effectiveness at least on a yearly basis. The review should cover almost everything including financial, operational and compliance controls and should be presented to the shareholders. L ooking at the timeline of collapse of Northern Rock it seems that the risk committee was not very effective in identifying risks faced by the organisation and hence failed to perform its duty properly which led to the collapse of UK’s 5th largest lender in within one year.Remuneration & Nominations Committee According to the UK corporate governance code the company should have a remuneration and a nomination committee which should determine the salaries of the board members and should nominate suitable individuals for appointment. The nomination committee should be made up of non executive directors who should be independent members of the committee. The chair or non executive director should chair the committee but he or she should not chair the committee when appointing the successor to the chairmanship.The committee should also evaluate the skills, experience and knowledge of the candidate when making recommendations. It seems that northern rock’s nomination committ ee failed in doing their job properly according to the UK corporate governance code. If they had fulfilled the above requirements in accordance to the UK code then the inexperience of the NEDs would have not been an issue. Chance of another failure Generally, organisations with relatively poor governance don’t succeed as uch as those with high standard corporate governance aided by investors. Northern Rock proved this statement when worries about corporate governance resulted in poor performance. This came about 4 years before it was nationalised when shareholders were concerned in the kind of bonuses which were being paid to executives. This develops another understanding about the theory that governance drives performance rather than performance driving governance. Non-executives improve performance and the balance between executives and non-executives is very vital.Considering both the internal and external factors affecting the failure of northern rock it was mainly cause d due to its internal disability of managing crisis. It was the very flawed legal regulation and the poor corporate governance of Northern Rock that let itself down during the tough mortgage crisis in the US. The business model of the company worked for a number of years but despite the risk involved the non-executive directors cared less of the actual risks to the company’s model.Lesson can be learnt from the Northern Rock fiasco by other businesses regardless of their size or profitability. If any business does not implement the corporate governance codes properly they are guaranteed to have problems sooner or later. Similar failure happened to the fourth largest American bank Lehman brothers due to poor corporate governance as their systems were very weak. The key areas of the failure were Corporate risk management, Board of directors, remuneration committee and nomination committee.The board of directors included nine retired four of them 75 years old one a theatre produc er and another navy admiral with no banking industry experience. In the board of directors the directors were paid well for their work each in the range $325,000 to $397,000 even after getting high return from the company they were not seriously taking care of the company due to having other responsibilities. Their risk management were also a failure because their executive committee the CRO and the CFO meeting were every week but instead they meet only twice in both 2006 and 2007 which was very outrageous.The failure of the remuneration committee was that only $1 billion were paid in cash bonuses in just matter of 8years which is a big failure. Other than that $500 million was paid to the chairman. Out of the ten board member four of them were 75 years old and only one had the recent knowledge of financial sector. If in the future any other bank or business will not make their corporate governance strong I am afraid there will be more cases like in the future. Conclusion: After all I have mentioned above it was a poor corporate governance that led the bank to failure.Northern rock had all sort of weaknesses in their corporate governance code it will be a good lesson for the other banks to learn if they have any sort of weaknesses in their corporate governance they should amend those before it will be too late. References 1. Treanor, J. (2008). Poor governance reduces profits, says ABI. Available: http://www. guardian. co. uk/business/2008/feb/27/executivesalaries. insurance. Last accessed 09 Feb 2013. 2. Roman A. Tomasic . (2009). Corporate Rescue, Governance and Risk Taking – Northern Rock and Its International Context.Available: http://papers. ssrn. com/sol3/papers. cfm? abstract_id=1417953. Last accessed 09 Feb 2013. 3. The Financial Reporting council. (2012). The UK Corporate Governance Code. Available: http://www. frc. org. uk/Our-Work/Publications/Corporate-Governance/UK- Corporate-Governance-Code-September-2012. aspx. Last accessed 09 Feb 2013. 4. Agha, M G and Qatinah, A. (). Lehman Brothers and Corporate Governance Failure. Available: http://www. slideshare. net/adnanqatinah1/lehman-brothers-case-study2. Last accessed 09 Feb 2013.